2014年9月23日 星期二

[Shell Script] How to force user to run a shell script on login and force it on logout in UNIX

Sometime we only allow user to perform restricted action defined by the shell script and do not allow them to access normal command prompt, we can do this as follow:

1. Prepare the shell script (e.g. menu.sh)
2. Add the following in the .profile of the user
trap '' 1 2 3 15 # ignore all these signal (ctrl-c, etc)
export SHELL
menu.sh # the shell script you define to restrict user action
echo "MSG:: This is end of profile"    
exit # Exit when the shell script complete


- Make sure .profile have correct permission (accessible by user itself).

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2014年9月22日 星期一

[Shell Script] How to execute SQL script file using sqlplus in shell script

exit | ${ORACLE_HOME}/bin/sqlplus -L -S <user>/<password>@<connect identifier> @abc.sql

  1. config ORACLE_HOME 
  2. -L = Attempts to log on just once, instead of reprompting on error. If you don't turn this flag on the script will hang on error like wrong login, wrong connect identifier
  3. -S = silent mode, suppresses the sqlplus banner, prompt, etc
  4. Exit command is for automatically exit sqlplus after running the sql script file, or you can put an exit (or quit) statement at the end of the sql script.
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2014年9月17日 星期三

用 Decorator Pattern (裝飾者模式) 實作台式飲品店

Head First Design Patterns (這是一本學Design Pattern 很好的書,漫畫形式,很易看易懂)
Wiki Decorator Pattern
神人對Decorator Pattern 的文章 (這篇文章好清楚,如果沒有書看這個也很簡單易明。)
簡單來說,如果有一些物件是同時有[相同特性]和[相似特性]時,就很適合用Decorator Pattern。
在這個例子,相同的特性就放在Component 去實現,相似特性就放到Decorator 去實現。
Component 的抽象類別,將相同的特性如產品名稱、基本價格都放在這裡:
package decorator.beverage;

public abstract class Beverage {
 String description = "Unknown Beverage";
 public String getDescription(){
  return description;
 public abstract double cost();


Component 的實作,假設我們的小店只有奶茶和奶綠兩種飲品:
package decorator.beverage;

public class MilkTea extends Beverage {
 // override the abstract class description
 public MilkTea(){
  description = "Milk Tea";
 // implement the abstract method
 public double cost() {
  return 1.99;

package decorator.beverage;

public class MilkGreenTea extends Beverage {

 // override the abstract class description
 public MilkGreenTea(){
  description = "Milk GreenTea";

 // implement the abstract method
 public double cost() {
  return 2.99;


然後就是Decroator 的抽象類別:
package decorator.beverage.flavouring;

import decorator.beverage.Beverage;

public abstract class FlavouringDecorator extends Beverage {

 // Decorator should reimplement this to decorate the beverage
 public abstract String getDescription(); 


然後是Decorator 的實作,假設我們有三種Decorator,冰的、加珍珠、加仙草:
package decorator.beverage.flavouring;

import decorator.beverage.Beverage;

public class Iced extends FlavouringDecorator {

 Beverage drink;
 //Decorator must have the base beverage
 public Iced(Beverage drink){
  this.drink = drink;
 // Decorate the description of the beverage
 public String getDescription() {
  return "Iced " + drink.getDescription();

 // Add the cost of Jelly to the beverage
 public double cost() {
  return drink.cost() + 0.20;

package decorator.beverage.flavouring;

import decorator.beverage.Beverage;

public class Pearl extends FlavouringDecorator {

 Beverage drink;
 //Decorator must have the base beverage
 public Pearl(Beverage drink){
  this.drink = drink;
 // Decorate the description of the beverage
 public String getDescription() {
  return drink.getDescription() + ", with Pearl";

 // Add the cost of pearl to the beverage
 public double cost() {
  return drink.cost() + 0.5;

package decorator.beverage.flavouring;

import decorator.beverage.Beverage;

public class Jelly extends FlavouringDecorator {

 Beverage drink;
 //Decorator must have the base beverage
 public Jelly(Beverage drink){
  this.drink = drink;
 // Decorate the description of the beverage
 public String getDescription() {
  return drink.getDescription() + ", with Jelly";

 // Add the cost of Jelly to the beverage
 public double cost() {
  return drink.cost() + 0.70;


package decorator;

import decorator.beverage.*;

public class GongTea {

 public static void main(String[] args) {
  Beverage beverage1 = new MilkTea();
  beverage1 = new Iced(beverage1);
  beverage1 = new Jelly(beverage1);
  System.out.println("Beverage1 is " + beverage1.getDescription() + ", price is $" + beverage1.cost());
  Beverage beverage2 = new MilkGreenTea();
  beverage2 = new Pearl(beverage2);
  System.out.println("Beverage2 is " + beverage2.getDescription() + ", price is $" + beverage2.cost());
  Beverage beverage3 = new MilkTea();
  beverage3 = new Iced(beverage3);
  beverage3 = new Pearl(beverage3);
  System.out.println("Beverage3 is " + beverage3.getDescription() + ", price is $" + beverage3.cost());

